Curso Países Árabes - left

Courses and Lectures

Doing business with Arab Countries

Arab investors and importers look for opportunities, partnerships and new suppliers. Find out how to do business in the Middle East...

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Course in international business

This course is intended to teach the step-by-step process for international sales, combining sales practices used around the world with a predisposition to read between the lines and understand the hidden message of the foreign customer....

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Cursos Países árabes - right

The Arab culture

Consciously or not, all people rely on their native culture for decisions, discipline, behaviour, actions, reasoning, and clothing. In short, all manners of conducting oneself, whether social or familial, are determined by culture.In this lecture we will look at cultural nuances...

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International sales strategy for high-tech products

How to sell high-tech and high value-added products in the international market? How to select the best markets?...

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